There are different kinds of tomato besides yellow pear ( enough has been written about them) that are growing in my container garden . Here they are one by one.
Before I speak anything about this variety, I have to thank Preethi, a gardening enthusiast and one of the regular visitor of this blog. It was so generous of her for sending me the seed packets from her collection. The seeds include the tomato varieties Maskotka and Balconi Red. Thank you so much Preethi.
Maskotka in clusters
Almost ready for picking.
From the plant to the plate
Balconi Red Tomato:
This is a dwarf and a compact tomato. It grows upto a maximum of a feet or even lesser than a feet. This variety has very small flowers and bears beautiful berries. Its a cherry tomato kind. Its a perfect plant for the kids to grow.
Red cherry tomato:
I had grown red cherry tomato before and was impressed with its sweet tasting berries that my garden always has a red cherry growing. I am growing them in a 20L bucket. Though the tomato is small the plant is pretty huge. And this time, with proper care they are having very long trusses each having upto 20 berries. Its so beautiful to just look at. This is what is called a Fish bone arrangement. This plant has around 15 trusses each having 20. You do the math.
Green Zebra:
This is a heirloom variety ( not really a heirloom considering the fact it was introduced in 1983). The tomato has white stripes in it and guess what it remains green. The indication of its ripening is goldening of the white stripes. Green is the new Red!!
Stupice Early:
This variety originates from Czechoslovakia and thats not surprising about that. What is so special about it is, it has leaves that of a potato and not just that. It is known for its early yield. Check out the potato leaf like tomato leaf.
I am not done yet. I am growing Beefsteak and Pink plum tomatoes now. They are in seedling stage. More on them later.
That’s a good meal for your eyes, isn’t it? Wait… here comes the dessert.